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Singing is a big part of camp life here at Merriwood.  You'll hear girls singing in the dining room, at sporting events, in cabins and at special events.  Here are the lyrics to some of our favorites . . .


We Welcome You to Merriwood


We welcome you to Merriwood.

We're mighty glad you're here.

We'll send the Earth reverberating with a mighty cheer.

We'll sing you in; we'll sing you out.

We'll raise a mighty shout.

Hail, hail the gang's all here.

Welcome to Merriwood!  RAH! RAH!


We Welcome YouCampers
00:00 / 00:15


Let's Give the Cabin a Round of Applause


Let's give the cabin a round of applause

(followed by seven claps in a circle)

Let's give the cabin a clap and a half

(followed by a clap and a half)

Let's give those little girls a great big hand

(followed by a clap, clap, clap-clap-clap-clap-clap, clap, clap)


Let's Give the CabinCampers
00:00 / 00:15


We Are the Girls of Merriwood


We are the girls of Merriwood you've heard so much about.

The people stop and stare at us whenever we go out.

We're not a bit stuck up about the cleaver things we do.

Most everybody likes us, and we hope you like us, too.


Oh, as we go hiking, and the band begins to P-L-A-Y.

You can hear us shouting, the girls of Merriwood are on their way! 



We come from all around the good 'ol USA.

We're in the state of New Hampshire, and this is what we do.

We play the games of Green and Grey; we play them o're and o're.

We love the games; we love the game of good ole Merriwood.


Oh, as we go hiking, and the band begins to P-L-A-Y.

You can hear us shouting, the girls of Merriwood are on their way! 



Girls of MerriwoodCampers
00:00 / 01:23


Birthday Songs



Regular Happy Birthday song


(sung with claps)

H and an A and a PPY

B and an I and a RTH

D and an A and a final Y

Happy Birthday!


My name is Zoon, and I come from the moon,

and I came down to Earth just to sing you this tune.

Hey, insert name, it's your birthday -- today!


Happy birthday, happy birthday, we love you.

Happy birthday and may all your dreams come true!

When you blow out the candles, one light stays a-glow.

It's the love light in your eyes wherever you go.


Chia whatcha natcha chez natcha sho

Chia whatcha natcha chez natcha sho

Chia watcha natcha chez natcha soy soy yo

Chia watcha natcha chez natcha sho.


We're the Best


We're the best!

We know it! 

We're here to show it!

And what you see is what you get, and you ain't seen nothin' yet,

so get it, get it, get it, get it going!  Whoo! 

So get it going!  Whoo!


We Came to Camp


We came to camp.

We thought it was co-ed, but after one week, the idea was dead.

A line was drawn, across the camp, and over that line, we dare not tramp.

Also, also, the directors they say

that the boys and the girls must be kept away.

But oh no, oh no, to insert head counselor's name dismay, biology always finds a way.

On social night, we came to dance.

A boy he gave a girl a glance.

The words are near.  

The time is right, but here comes insert head counselor's name with her flashlight.

Also, also, the directors they say

that the boys and the girls must be kept away.

But oh no, oh no, to insert head counselor's name dismay, biology always finds a way.

We Came to CampCampers
00:00 / 01:02


Waddley Acha


(sing while doing the following hand motions: two handed table slap twice; two claps, snap-clap-snap-clap; hand-to-nose then hand-to-left-shoulder; hand-to-nose then hand- to-left- shoulder; two-handed wave; repeat)

Waddley acha; waddley acha

doodl-ee do; doodl-ee do

Waddley acha; waddley acha

doodl-ee do; doodl-ee do

Simplest thing- there isn't much to it.

All you gotta do is doodl-ee do it.

I like the rest, but the part I like best is doodl-ee, doodl-ee, do - WHOO!


Waddley AchaCampers
00:00 / 00:26




(sung in alternating groups -- it's a sing and repeat)

Tonka Tonka

Undeo Undeo

Tonka Tonka

whata, whata, whata way whata, whata, whata way

Grey team Grey team

Come down and win today. Come down and win today.

Grey team Grey team

We are with you all the way. We are with you all the way.

(sung together)

Grey, grey, grey, grey -- go grey!


G-R-E-Y, G-R-A-Y

No matter how you spell it; this is how you yell it.

Grey, grey, go grey!


**Those were originally two separate songs that have been spliced together in recent years.




Paul Revere



Now, listen my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. 

Went down the alley and up the street, saying Green team, Green team can't be beat.

Alli-oop says the Green team can't be beat; alli-oop says the Green team can't be beat.

Went down the alley and up the street, saying Green team, Green team can't be beat


Paul RevereCampers
00:00 / 00:18


Color War Song


(to be sung while holding hands and moving in a circle)

1, 2, 3, 4 We want color war!

5, 6, 7, 8 We don't want to wait!

(no longer moving in a circle -- to be sung with a clap at each segment)

2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bits a dollar,

all for color war, stand up and holler!  YEA! (hands in the air)

(to be sung while clapping)

Counselors on the purple team, PU!

Counselors on the purple team, PU!

Let it rain; let it pour; we want color war!

Let it rain; let it pour; we want color war!



Announcements Song


Announcements, announcements, announcements!

A horrible way to die, a horrible way to die,

nah, nah, n-nah, n-nah a horrible way to die!

We sold our cow -- MOO!

We sold our cow -- MOO!

We don't need any of your bull now!

Announcements, announcements, announcements!


It Was Vinter in the Valley Green


It was vinter in the valley green, 

and the vind blew on the vindowpane, 

and the vomen of the vaudeville taught philosophy to the rest of us.


Copenhagen was taken.  Hoo-rah.  Hoo-rah.

Copenhagen was taken.  Hoo-rah.  Hoo-rah.

And all the stray people stood up on the shteeple and spit on the people below.

Ah-tooey; ah-vomen; ah-men.

Ah-til the August, September, October

no wonder we are sober, we ain't got no beer.


My little brother on the window sat.

He saw a tree a-standing, and on that tree, a peach a-hanging.

He looked the window out.

He leaned the window out.

He fell the window out.

He died; he did; he died of a broken rib; he did; he died; he did.


We're the boys of Bowling Green, Bowling Green, Bowling Green.

We're the boys of Bowling Green.

Boys?  Don't bowl on the green.

The green is for the king.

The king is for the queen.

The queen is for the prince.

Prince?  What prince?

Fingerprints?  Nah.

Footprints?  Nah.

Here, Prince!


And the moral of the story is to determine the difference to between asthma (inhale) and passion (exhale).

So, how's your mother's love life?




It Was VinterCampers
00:00 / 01:12


Show Me the Way to Go Home


Show me the way to go home.

I'm tired, and I want to go to bed.

Had a little drink about an hour ago, and it went right to my head.

No matter where I roam

on land or sea or foam,

you can always hear me singing this song,

so show me the way to go home. 


Translation: indicate the way to my habitual abode.

I'm fatigued, and I want to retire.

Had an alcoholic beverage 60 minutes ago, and it went right to my cerebellum.

No matter where I rambulate

on land or sea or atmospheric pressure,

you can always hear me humming this rhapsody,

so indicate the way to my habitual abode.



Show Me the WayCampers
00:00 / 00:46


Say Hey, Hey, Hey


           (Clap after every other "hey" and each "say.")

Say hey, hey, hey.

Say hey, hey, hey.

what you've got to say

what you've got to say

Say hey, hey, hey.

Say hey, hey, hey.

what you've got to say

what you've got to say

            (stated while repeating the following: one-handed table hit, other-handed table hit, clap, one-handed table hit, other-handed table hit, repeat, clap, clap)

say we 


We are super.

uh huh

say we 


We are super.

uh huh


Wienie Man



I know a wienie man.

He owns a wienie stand.

He sells most anything from hot dogs on down, down, down, down.

One day I'll share his life.

I'll be his wienie wife.

Hot dog- I love that wienie man.

I wienie do-- with mustard, too.  WHOO!


Wienie ManCampers
00:00 / 00:23


Choo, Choo, Bang, Bang



Choo, Choo, Bang, Bang

Got to get my boomerang.

On-gowa Grey power

Grey team is the best.

Best of all the rest.

Whatcha gonna do?

Dance the boog-a-loo.

C stands for can, and D stands for do.

Awesome mighty Grey team's gonna sock it to you.  Yea!  Sock it to you!




The Merriwood Beat


We’ve got the pep and the power to prove
that Green and White is the team that’s on the move.

Evergreen’s the team that we want to defeat,
so come on everybody do the Merriwood beat!

The Merriwood BeatCampers
00:00 / 00:28


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Full Session:

June 22 - August 9 - $13,350


1st Session:

June 22 - July 19 - $8,950


2nd Session:

July 20 - August 9 - $7,325


*Dates are subject to change

Countdown to Camp:

© 2025 by Camp Merriwood

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